
This section contains a quick guide on how to create and use the Drip Campaigns in the WhatsApp, Telegram and Facebook Bot

What is a Broadcast?

A Broadcast is messages campaigns that can be blasted in one click, to the targeted segment or group of subscribers/contacts. You can create the one using the below guide

How to create a Broadcast?

To create one, go to the Broadcast tab in the Bot Settings and click the Create New Broadcast on the extreme right.

Name your broadcast campaign

  1. Here, enter your Broadcast name, Select type as flow or message and specific chat flow from Flow dropdown.

Configure your Broadcast

  1. Once you select the flow, a new dropdown will appear to select the Segment.

2. Also, select the scheduled date to send the Broadcast, if not to be sent immediately.

3. Click Create New Broadcast once again to Create successfully and get listed under Broadcast name.

Done! You have created your boardcast campaign.

If everything is correct and you are still unable to move forward, write to us at We will respond back within 48 business hours.

Last updated